The CRCLL President, Vice President, Division Directors and Player Agent shall determine the number of teams per division and adjust the division breakdowns (i.e., sub-dividing divisions based upon skill level) as deemed appropriate per the skills evaluations and registration numbers.
While it is subject to change, CRCLL has generally supported the following baseball divisions:
1. TBall and Learn to Play Divisions
2. A Division (coach/machine pitch)
3. AA Division (player pitch)
4. AAA Division (player pitch)
5. Upper Majors Division (player pitch)
6. Juniors and/or Seniors Division (traveling player pitch)
Each baseball division follows the following league age limits:
- Players league age 13 must be in the Juniors and/or Seniors Division
- Players league age 11-12 must be in the Majors/AAA Division
- Players league age 10 must be in the AA Division or higher
- Players league age 9 must be in the A Division or higher
- Players league age 6-8 must be in the A Division or higher*
- Players league age 6 may be in the Tee Ball or A Division
- Players league age 5 and younger must be in the Tee Ball / Learn to Play Division
*League age 6 may "play up" to A-Ball with one year of T-ball. League are 7 (or older) participants may not play within the Tee Ball division.
Little League International mandates that all league age 12 participants must play in the Majors Division unless it is deemed unsafe for the player to play in that division. A waiver is required for any league age 12 player to play in a lower division, and must be signed by the District and Regional Little League Offices.
The above references do not in any way restrict a younger skilled player from participating in a division higher than noted league age limits. Such determinations will be made by the CRCLL Player Agent based upon all the available data.
When determining the number of players and placement within divisions, CRCLL’s primary goal is to determine the number of Majors Division teams first. After determining the size of the Majors Division, a number of CRCLL policies are considered, including:
- In nearly all circumstances, players are never permitted to skip divisions from one calendar year to the next. Each division introduces complexities and game-skills in a gradual manner for proper development.
- Once players progress to the A Division, they will not be eligible to play down in the T Ball Division.
- Once players progress to a player pitch division, they will not be eligible to play down in the A Division.
Division placement is based upon the following factors:
Player Evaluation Scores – LLI requires an annual skills evaluation. All players league age 8 - 12 are required to attend the spring evaluation. Any players league age 6 (if they previously played in the T Ball Division) that would like to be considered for placement in the A Division must participate in the annual skills evaluation.
- Players that have played for CRCLL in previous seasons that cannot attend the current season’s skills evaluation will be rated by the Player Agent and/or previous coaches in order to avoid going into the draft without a ranking.
- Players that have never played for CRCLL in a previous season and for whatever reason cannot attend the current season’s skills evaluation will be rated by the Player Agent (upon request) or will be slotted by LLI age guidelines.
Number of Teams per Division – There are typically a minimum of 9 and 12 players on each team in the machine/coach and player pitch divisions, respectively.
As a result, players are assigned to divisions in multiples of 9 or 12. This process generates a list of eligible players for each division’s draft. Teams are then selected based on the draft process.
The following factors are NOT taken into consideration when determining player placement:
Coach Assignment – Team manager and coaching assignments are always determined based on the player’s assignment to a specific division.
Parental Request to “Play Up” – While CRCLL recognizes parents want to be an advocate for their child, we firmly believe in the established process to set divisions. A parental request will NEVER be the sole grounds for division placement.
Sibling / Carpool / Practice Location / Weeknight / Coach Preferences – Many parental requests hinder the integrity of establishing divisions and the draft process, and therefore are not considered. The only exception may be that siblings assigned to the same division will be placed on the same team, unless a parent submits a request to the Player Agent requesting separate teams.
Drafting Teams
The following process shall be used during the draft of each division:
- Independent parties shall rank all players in each division based upon player evaluation results
- The Player Agent shall provide the division team managers the ranked list of eligible players for each round within the division (no earlier than 48 hours prior to the draft). Team managers are required to draft directly from the provided list for that division. In the event a team manager cannot attend the draft, an assistant coach may attend as the team representative.
- Siblings assigned to the same division shall be placed on the same team, unless a parent submits a request to the Player Agent requesting separate teams.
- Players of team managers and assistant coaches are drafted in the round assigned to them by the Player Agent. The Player Agent shall consult with the CRCLL President or Vice President, coach's postseason evaluations, and the annual skills evaluation to determine the round assignment.
- The Player Agent will assign the team draft order.
- No more than twelve league age 12 year-olds may be drafted to a Majors Division team.
- Any trades between teams must be completed and approved by the CRCLL Player Agent at the end of the draft and before team managers leave the draft site. Trading players with dissimilar rankings is typically not permitted.
- Results of the draft shall be strictly confidential. Players, parents, and assistant coaches are never to be told the position in which they are drafted.
Serpentine Draft Procedure
Each team manager (or team representative) will draft in the order assigned by the Player Agent with their corresponding team number being their draft order.
Each team will have up to 48 hours prior to the start of the draft to review the list of eligible players and their evaluation scores. Once the draft starts, each team manager should be prepared to make their next selection. Team managers should be continuously updating their potential selections as the draft proceeds. They should have several players in mind for each round. Team managers should not limit their selection plans to a single player, requiring them to re-evaluate their decision once their turn comes around and the player they intended to select has been chosen by someone else. If the team manager does not make their selection within 90 seconds, they will forfeit their pick for that round, and have an additional selection added to the end of the draft to replace it.